Interviewing is a significant event in life. It is especially exciting for those who are not used to talking to HR often. expert, psychologist Natalya Gulyaeva tells how to cope with emotions.
Why are we worried about the interview
If the applicant has been unemployed for a long time or he is responsible for other family members, or this is his first job, then, of course, the level of stress is quite high. Moreover, money is at stake that provides the primary needs for food, housing. An unconscious fear arises, which is skillfully disguised as vague anxiety.
Under the excitement, for example, there may be a fear of evaluation: “What if I'm not good enough for this position”, “Suddenly I can’t pass this“ exam ””, “Suddenly someone will be better than me”.
Understanding the nature of emotions is the first step to changing them. We figure out how to remove anxiety and arouse confidence.
Look at the situation from a different angle
People who change jobs often do not perceive the interview as a test, but as an opportunity to change their life for the better.
Think about the fact that the employer needs you - your time, skills. You go to a meeting with a potential employer, not only to convince him of your need, but also to understand if this work suits you, the level of payment, the team, the boss. Many job seekers even consider the interior of the office, in which they intend to spend a lot of time.
At the interview, not only HR is eyeing you, but you are eyeing the company.
Focus on your interests
The excitement that accompanies the trip to the interview, you can miss many important things that in the future can greatly affect whether you will be comfortable working in this place or with a high degree of probability you will have to look for a new job.
Therefore, it is important to focus on your criteria for comfort in relation to your future job. Think about how interesting the proposed functionality is, whether you like the office, whether it is convenient to get to it, whether there is a sufficient salary, whether there is a social package. Reflections of this kind will partially reduce anxiety.
When you choose a sofa, you take into account its design, color, dimensions, material and much more, but you hardly think whether you will fit this sofa.
Get ready for an interview
Uncertainty often causes anxiety - lack of information and the likelihood that something will go wrong.
Search the Internet for the maximum amount of information about the company you want to get into.
To rehearse the interview, say out loud what you want to say HR.
Ask people around you to tell you about your strengths and weaknesses, let this happen as often as possible. So you are mentally prepared for the fact that at the interview you will be evaluated.
Write down your achievements and strengths. Modesty at the interview is not much appreciated. Remember what you have already achieved, and let it fill you with confidence.
Life hack: “deceive” the alarm
When we are anxious, the right hemisphere of the brain begins to work intensively. To reduce the level of excitement, you need to use the left hemisphere as soon as possible.
Since the left hemisphere is responsible for logical thinking, memorizing text, solving mathematical problems, then for quick switching, try to calculate how much will be 75% of 1250, or remember some poem. This will help you better deal with the excitement before the interview.
At the very beginning of the conversation with HR, tell the real facts from your work biography - your brain will switch to the correct and appropriate left hemisphere mode in this case, which will help you successfully cope with the task.
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